Prof. Jorge Alio has first presented the results obtained with the revolutionary new accommodative lens Akkolens Lumina, which he has been developing over the past two years. The presentation was held within the World Ophthalmology Congress (WOC) 2014, held in Tokyo from the 2nd to 6th of April, and later in the meeting Sevilla Refractiva (April 10th-12th), and focused on the results of the one-year research study on the implementation of this accommodating lens.
The Akkolens Lumina corresponds to a revolutionary design that may allow in the future to replace the accommodation (the focusing ability of the eye) lost over the years, so as to eliminate reading glasses and multifocal lenses.
The results obtained after one year confirm the effectiveness of the lens, which has been implanted to date a total of 72 times in the clinic Vissum-Resbiomed Sofia (Bulgaria). All cases have been operated on by Dr. Alio personally, and followed in the R&D+i unit of the clinic by his team of Bulgarian partners.
Besides, Prof. Alio was awarded the Ophthalmic Premier League 2012 trophy during the WOC 2014 in Tokyo. Dr. Jorge Alio and his team were the winners of the Ophthalmic Premier League held in Abu Dhabi in 2012, but the corresponding trophy was awarded this year in Japan.
Dr. Alio participated actively in the World Congress, giving a total of 13 lectures and presenting more than 10 communications and several films. More than 18,000 ophthalmologists from around the world gathered for this important ophthalmologic meeting.