Prof. Jorge Alio has participated as guest of honour during the 2nd edition of the Cairo Middle East Cataract Surgery and Anterior Segment Symposium, participating both with surgical activities (via satellite surgery), and lectures on cataract surgery with femtosecond lasers, new trifocal lenses, new accommodative lenses, the use of platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of severe corneal ulcers, femtosecond laser surgery for myopia (Smile), etc. He has also chaired discussion sessions on the latest technological developments.
Dr. Alio’s live surgery focused on cases of extreme difficulty of cataract surgery associated with glaucoma, cataract subluxation and complicated cases of refractive surgery.
During this congress, which took place in Cairo on the 6th and 7th of February, the opening session of the Egyptian Society of Ocular Surgery with femtosecond laser was held, in which Prof. Alio lectured and received the special distinction of this newly created society.