It is one of the three studies approved in the section ’Medical Devices ’ coordinated by Dr. Alió at the 14th EVICR.net Annual Members Meeting
Jorge Alió participated in the 14th EVICR.net Annual Members Meeting (European Vision Institute Clinical Research), held on 24th and 25th October in Lisbon. On this occasion, Jorge Alió, the professor of Ophthalmology at the Miguel Hernandez University (UMH) of Elche, was the director of the special section ‘Medical Devices’.
Three research studies were approved under his leadership to be carried out by this European clinical research network. One of them was a research on the use of artificial intelligence system for the implantation of intracorneal segments in the keratoconus (’Neural Network for the Guidance of ICRS Implantation in Keratoconus’).
As for the other research studies, one was devoted to the causes of multifocal intraocular lens transplantations in Western Europe (‘Causes of Multifocal IOL Explantation in Europe’); and the other one was about the use of the artificial cornea Keraklear in cases of aniridia with corneal blindness (‘Artificial Cornea Keraclear’). Thus, Alió participated in the foundation of the EVICR.net Society, the most important network clinical research group in Europe, as well as in the world, which brings together about 120 clinical centers.
This EVICR.net Annual Members Meeting was attended by about 100 participants, who had the opportunity to update their knowledge of activities in different areas and medical subspecialties, as well as to establish contacts and discuss new ideas for clinical studies in the European Union. Jorge Alió, the scientific director of the Vissum ophthalmology clinics, had the opportunity to interact with professionals such as the president of EVICR.net, Hendrik Scholl; the president of the International Ophthalmological Academy (AOI), Marie Jose Tassignon; the president of the European Academy of Ophthalmology, Francisco Bandello; the founder of EVICR.net, Jose Cunha-Vaz; technical secretary of EVICR.net, Cecilia Martino; as well as the coordinator of the Glaucoma section, Francesca Cordeiro; and Dr. Lang.