Today, 24 November, Jorge Alió, the professor of the Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, will give two online presentations on excimer laser presbyopia surgery and bilensectomy

Dr. Jorge Alió takes part in the scientific program of the conference of the Argentine Council of Ophthalmology (CAO), the Association of Ophthalmologists of Santa Fe (AOSF) and the Entre Rios Association of Ophthalmology (AEO). The conference will take place in the Santa Fe Convention Center, Argentina. Jorge Alió will give two speeches on excimer laser presbyopia surgery and bilensectomy via videoconferencing at 10.00 local time.
First, he will deliver a speech called ‘Intraocular lenses explantation after cataract surgery. Techniques, results, complications‘ (‘Explante de lentes intraoculares tras cirugía de cataratas, técnicas, resultados, complicaciones’). In the speech he will explain the combined surgery known as bilensectomy, with the support of surgical videos. The presentation will be focused on the extraction of the phakic lens through cataract surgery, which is usually performed a year after the bilensectomy.
The second online presentation is called ‘PresbyLASIK‘, and it is dedicated to the corneal refractive surgery based on the PresbyMax technique patented with Schwind license, for efficient presbyopia treatment using excimer laser. This technique was created in the R & D department of Vissum – Ophthalmological Institute of Alicante.
The conference is organized in collaboration with the Ophthalmological Society of Rosario, the National University of Rosario, the Ophthalmological Society of Misiones, the Ophthalmological Society of Corrientes, the National University of the Northeast and the Ophthalmological Society of the Chaco.