Corneal refractive surgery by means of LASIK procedure for the correction of refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism is one of the most performed procedures worldwide. However, not all the patients are candidates for corneal refractive surgery to correct refractive errors. To know if a patient is candidate for LASIK surgery, it is necessary to realize a proper ophthalmologic evaluation to assess the graduation, corneal thickness and morphology by means of a device called corneal topography, among other necessary diagnostic devices. The technology of the diagnostic devices used in refractive surgery consultation logically acquires special importance in achieving excellent visual outcomes after the intervention. Precisely, Prof. Dr. Jorge Alió, has one of the largest experiences worldwide in the correction of refractive errors and the research management of diagnostic devices such as the topographers that a like both surface of the cornea. These devices provide more information about the power and corneal morphology improving the postoperative visual outcomes. Realized the different diagnostic necessary tests, depending on the obtained results, and if the patient is suitable for corneal refractive surgery, it will proceed to plan the intervention.
How is the surgery of corneal correction of myopia with Lasik?
Corneal refractive surgery for the correction of refractive errors is a safe procedure, painless, it does not require hospitalization, and is associated with few complications. During the surgical procedure a small portion of the cornea called corneal flap is lifted, to subsequently apply the excimer laser on the cornea with the aim to correct the refractive errors. Applied the laser on the cornea subsequently corneal flap will be relocated in his position original without causing pain to the patient. Precisely the advances developed in femtosecond laser technology to create the corneal flap have allowed reducing considerably the complications. Likewise, its development has allowed increasing the safety and accuracy of the procedure, reduce the sensation of eye dryness, and decrease the time of intervention, as well accelerate speed visual recovery among other advantages. Concretely, Prof. Dr. Jorge Alió is one of the ophthalmologist with more experience in correcting myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. He has realized thousands of interventions of corneal refractive surgery, national and internationally. Moreover he has been invited in multitude of international scientific congresses to perform live surgeries, and also is author of several books about corneal refractive surgery, among others multiple activities. His participation, dedication and involvement in research and innovation has been constant, having participated as author and co-author in approximately 200 scientific clinical studies published in international journals of high prestige. His extensive experience in corneal refractive surgery, has allowed him to participate in numerous training courses. Currently, Prof. Dr. Jorge L. Alió is the Director and creator of the first online course in corneal refractive surgery internationally, which is recognized by the University Miguel Hernandez.
References of the author to consult
Ashok Garg,Jorge L Alio. Femtosecond Laser. Techniques & Technology. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2012.
Plaza-Puche AB, Yebana P, Arba-Mosquera S, Alió JL. Three-Year Follow-up of Hyperopic LASIK Using a 500-Hz Excimer Laser System. J Refract Surg. 2015 Oct;31(10):674-82.