The online congress with the latest developments in refractive, cataract and cornea
surgery directed by Dr. Alió brings together 70 national and 46 international professionals
in more than 100 presentations
The Alicante Refractive International Congress (ARI), which deals with the most
innovative topics in refractive surgery, cataract and cornea, has established itself as one
of the most important international online meetings in ophthalmology. This year, its 21st
edition has broken records, achieving 8,214 visitors and a total of 23,498 visits during
the fifteen days following the event, thus exceeding the 9,300 visits of the previous year.
These figures will increase, given that its medical education platform will remain open
for six months to give the opportunity to those professionals who were not able to attend
the live broadcasts.
This meeting was organized by Professor Jorge Alió, professor of Ophthalmology at the
Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche, on October 26th, 27th and 28th with the
collaboration of Vissum Alicante and IMO Barcelona Miranza, thus offering an ambitious
program to ophthalmologists and optometrists.
Its exclusive online format follows the specific neuro-educational approaches studied for
this mode of communication, being at this time the most important online event
worldwide, despite the fact that it has been designed to be followed in Spain and
Spanish-speaking countries. And this event held in Alicante and with presentations
mostly in Spanish, has managed to break borders by connecting professionals from more
than 67 countries.
This demonstrates its power of attraction, since all the content has been of interest, not
only for Spanish speakers, but for a multitude of nationalities.
‘ARI 2023’ brought together 70 national and 46 international participants in this
innovation and progress forum, among whom are the most prestigious authors and
opinion leaders in each specialty. In total, more than 100 presentations were given in
twelve sessions and eight further industry sponsored special sessions. The congress
ended with the free paper presentations of clinical cases by ophthalmologists from
different countries.
The 21st Alicante Refractive International Congress (ARI) also had the collaboration at
the organizational level of the Jorge Alió Foundation for the Prevention of Blindness in the
organization and dissemination. The success of its attendance assistance success was
possible thanks to its high global scientific level based on evidence, which allows free
attendance from any professional. In addition, it is accredited with European Continuous
Medical Education credits (ECMECs), being the extension for the continuous training of
the ‘University expert course in refractive, cataract and corneal surgery’ that has been
held at the UMH for ten years, also exclusively online.
For its part, the ‘ARI 2024’ congress has already opened the registration period for its
next edition through its webpage. Without doubt, it is a unique opportunity for
ophthalmologists and optometrists from around the world to discover the latest in the
areas of vision sciences, as well as to be up to date with current ophthalmological news,
both clinical and surgical.